• Medium Heavy Mechanical Metalwork

    Perozeni S.r.l. is engaged in medium-heavy mechanical metalwork and CNC mechanical processes on commission (single parts or small lots).
    It can manage every stage of production, providing a complete service: from the raw material to the finished product.

  • Reduction of costs and delivery time.

  • Prevention of the possible non-conformities that may arise between one stage and the next.

  • The company also performs individual steps (only metalwork or only mechanical processes), depending on the needs of the clientele.

Many services,
a single partner

.01Consulting and Engineering

We work alongside our clients from the earliest stages to satisfy their requirements in the best of ways and in accordance with their specifications.

.02Procurement of raw materials and traceability

We guarantee every stage in the production process, right from the raw materials. Everything is inspected and certified according to the international standards.

.03Medium/heavy mechanical metalwork

We have been operating for years in the sector of medium-heavy metalwork, producing systems, machines or parts of them, even very large ones, on commission.

Our operators are specialized with the qualification of welders according to standard UNI EN ISO 9696-1:2013.
We are certified according to standard UNI EN ISO 3834-2:2006.

.04Other Services

We make use of qualified suppliers with whom we have long-established relations so we are also able to handle any operations of distension heat treatment.

.05CNC mechanical processes

Our metallurgy and mechanical processing company uses only the most advanced machinery with computerized numerical control.

.06Shot blasting, assembly and painting with qualified suppliers

We only use certified suppliers for particular stages of processing such as shot blasting or sandblasting, assembly and painting. 
